PLEASE Check Your Legal Pages Before You Launch Your Blog

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I love to talk with my coaching clients about how to start a blog, why you need a blog, and how blogs make money. When friends slide into my DMs on Instagram to share that they are starting a blog I cheer and celebrate with them.

But then I ask them about their legal pages because I care about them and want to see their blog bring them success, not expensive headaches.

Being a new blogger is hard. There is a steep learning curve and you often don’t know what you don’t know.

Some new bloggers don’t know that they need legal pages. Others hope the ones that come with their website might be enough. Many bloggers rely on a widget, plugin, or free template they found online.

My legal pages are written by Amira. When I am unsure if I am on the right track, I email her and she responds. Think about that for a moment. I’m not reading an FAQ doc and hoping for the best. I’m not talking to a large team member who is answering questions based off a cut and paste customer support template. Amira responds to my emails, a real lawyer who also runs an online business like I do.

When laws change, Amira updates the legal pages for no additional cost and sends us an email. The latest legal news will never be on my radar but she stays one step ahead of me and it reminds me that I made the right choice using her legal pages.

I originally purchased Amira’s legal pages when launching my new blog. A year later when I opened my Shopify store, I returned to Amira’s inbox to ask about what I needed to be legally protected on that site. She wrote back that I could use the same legal pages for both sites and also included a few helpful reminders of other details to check before my Shopify store was live.

As my business evolves over time, I find myself returning to Amira to see if one of her larger bundles might be the best fit for me but I never find myself searching for legal products anywhere else. Having Amira in my corner helps me sleep at night and saves me hours of time searching for the perfect solution.

It is so exciting to make that new blog live and shout from the rooftops that you are a blogger but please check and make sure your legal pages are in place. Don’t wait until your blog is making “enough” money to make the investment, be protected from the start.

If you want to get to know Amira better before you buy or read more detail about which legal templates your business might need I’ve included one of my favorite Amira articles HERE.

Check out the complete list of my favorite business building tools HERE

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