Vision Boards for Work At Home Moms | Why You Need One

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There are so many reasons I love being a work at home mom. But when you have all of your family, personal, and career items staring at you under the same roof it can be a challenge to stay focused on the tasks that really matter most. A vision board can help you remember your WHY, achieve your goals, and stay centered all day long.

If you are not sure what a vision board is I encourage you to read The Secret or even watch The Secret on Netflix if that is a better match for your busy mom learning style.

When I Realized I Needed One

My first year as a work at home mom I was filled with joyous emotions of freedom, peace, and possibilities that this new lifestyle could bring to me. In my second year, I had identified some challenges in creating a productive daily routine so I turned my focus to improving in that area.

I kept hearing people mention their Miracle Mornings and started to feel like I was the last person on Earth who had not read that book. I learned about the importance of daily visualization and another resource, The Secret, was referenced. I watched the movie on Netflix first, and then ordered the book so I could take notes and really learn all that I could about The Law of Attraction.

That same year, I learned was encouraged to study the morning routines of millionaires and CEOs and notice which elements were common among successful people who I admired.

Through this soul searching, I realized that I needed a new morning routine and that a vision board was a very low-cost option that could make big waves in my life in a positive way.

Focusing on your work is hard

Without a clear understanding of your financial goals, dreams, and the lifestyle you hope to achieve, it is very easy to be distracted and not be as productive as possible during your workday. While this is true at any job, working at home brings unique challenges as chores, daily messes, and personal to-do list items are often in view during your designated work times.

When you can see your WHY clearly on your vision board, you remember that if you stay focused now, you are bringing yourself closer to your ideal life.

Balancing mom duties and work tasks is hard

As a mom, I often feel that I am drowning and that my best is never good enough. When I improve in one area, another area slips. The process of choosing what to focus on as the most important goal and putting it on my vision board with intention was a game-changer. Maybe I decided to put my phone away during family time. Perhaps quality one-on-one time with each of my children was my current focus.

When my vision board reminded me of what I was currently working on as a mom (and WHY that was important to me) I could block out all of the other noise and move the needle in one or two key areas. I could clearly see work goals during work time and then my family goals during family time.

The guilt and pressure of money is hard

Money is a source of stress in most families. Spending some time each day envisioning an ideal day with financial freedom is a very motivating practice. Seeing my one primary goal to improve our spending practices helped me not become overwhelmed with all of the options.

Having a very specific goal for growing my income sitting adjacent to pictures of my dream life kept me grounded and working with purpose.

You can design your office

Once you learn what grounds you, brings you peace, and makes you the best version of yourself, take a week and redesign your office. Look into the ergonomics and see how you can make it a comforting place to be. What is missing that you could find a place for in your home office and what is a distraction and needs to GO?

Take Action

Make next week different by choosing an action step to take yourself a little bit closer to your ideal, productive workday.

Do you want to learn more about vision boards by reading The Secret or watching it on Netflix? Are you ready to make one but not sure yet if you want to make a physical vision board or a digital vision board? Did you make a vision board but then not know what to do with it? Let me know where you are feeling stuck or what your next step will be.

If you liked The Secret and The Miracle Morning, check out some other favorite books HERE

Filed Under: Uncategorized

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